長いこと、ご無沙汰しました クリスマス直前のフリージングレインの時は、カチカチに凍った水盤 その後、急に気温が上がって溶けたところに シロハラミソサザイが水浴びに来ました 裏庭で 12-28-2022
House Finch daddy surrounded by his hungry kids. In my backyard 09-03-2022 お腹を空かせた子供たちに取り囲まれた、メキシコマシコのお父さん 賑やかにさえずる子供たちに挟まれて、慌てず騒がず、クールなパパでした
My happy place: Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park 06-04-2022 ラマー・ヴァレーの眺め イエローストーン国立公園
ホースが作った水たまりには、ハシボソキツツキ For sure, sounds of water and moving water attract wild birds. Here are American Robin and Nothern Flickers taking a bath in my backyard. 09-03-2022 少し前に設置した噴水を浮かべたバードバスで、…
Dawn on my way to Lamar Valley. Treasured moment, now so happy I woke up in the dark and started driving. Yellowstone N.P. 06-04-2022 イエローストーンの暁 暗いうちに起きだして運転して来たことが、うれしくなる眺めでした イエローストーン国立…
It looks like second breeding season of House Finch has been progressing in my backyard. Young bird is asking mom for food quite loudly. I could imagine theri conversation like "Baby, you are big enough and food is just in front of you. Wh…
Photos from two days returning road trip from Montana, Idaho and Washington. Big sky and amazing clouds formation with weather that kept changing. Montana, Idaho and Washington June 2022 今年のロードトリップ、帰りの2日間 モンタナ、アイダホ…
雄(左)と雌(右) Once in a while, woodpeckers visit my backyard. This time, I found both male and felame. I wonder if they are husband and wife or dad and daughter... August 2022 裏庭に時々やってくるキツツキ この日は、雌と雄の両方 カップ…
I found a sunflower thief! No wonder my neighbor was complaining squirrells eating her sunflowers. They must be the ones who took my sunflower, too. Well... it must be yummy... right? 08-21-2022 花盗人の現行犯! お隣の花壇に咲いているひま…
夏の終わりを感じる我が家の庭 私の大好きな紫陽花 蕾は薄いグリーンで、咲くと白になり、その後また薄いグリーンになって、これから秋にかけてさらに色が変わります 我が家とお隣の間で咲く、イングリッシュローズのグラハム・グリーン もともと私が育てて…
I have no words to describe this beauty... For sure, this rose radiates beautiful positive engergy. 08-18-2022 この美しさ・・・言い表す言葉が見つかりません ばらは、最も高いバイブレーションを放つ花、とどこかで読みました ほんとうですね
A pronghorn I uploaded photos yesterday, I met her the day before. She was walking slowly on the side of the hill at Lamar Valley. I decided to watch her since I love pronghorn. Then, all of suddend, I noticed she was nursing her calf! Wow…
A femal pronghorn was walking alone at Lamar Valley. Her elegant yet strong presence made me stop my car and grabe my camera. I'm glad I did. At Lamar Valley, Yellowstone N.P. 06-05-2022 鮮やかな新緑におおわれた、6月初めのラマーヴァレーを…
A fig tree our neighbor planted produces lots of fruits. All-you-can-eat buffet for our resident squirrels. August 2022 たくさんの実をつけた、お隣のイチジクリスが毎日食べ放題
Very frangrant rose, Double Delight is one of my favorite roses in my garden. I found out cutting flower when it starts blooming is a scecret to prolong their bloom. Last photo is a bonus, to show you my Gardenias and Chicago Peace. I love…
My fuchsia of this year is this one: Red Spider To my opinion, name doesn't really match this flower but all well... I wonder when my resident hummingbirds find it.... At my backyard August 2022 今年、庭に咲いたフクシアの中で、この子がいち…
カサッと音がした方向を見ると・・・リス 一心に何かを食べています いつも食べ物を探しているリス いつ見てもなんだかおかしくて、笑っちゃいます
Finally, I got shots of bird come to drink from birdbath. I've been trying but everytime I didn't have a camera with me and by the time I got it, birds were gone. Timing is everything. At my backyard 08-09-2022 やっと撮れました 用意してい…
この男性、ジリスがこんなに近くに来ているのに、気づいていませんでした These cute Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels were everywhere at Lake of the Woods. They don't hesitate to come close to thumans to beg some food. Some of them must be so go…
Lake of the Woods is a high mountain historic lake resort in souther Oregon. Not too crowded, a nice restaurant with lots of fun things to do. Surely, a little gem in the woods. オレゴン南部の街、アッシュランドから車で45分のレイク・オブ・…
This beautiful large bird appeared all of sudden from the ditch. I found out this bird is White-naped Crane. Its body displays beautiful gradation from gray to white. Wildlife Safari, Oregon 08-01-2022 くぼみからヒョイと現れた大きな美しい…
For the first time, I saw East African Crowned Crane (or Gray Crowned Crane.) Such a beautiful bird. At Wildlife Safari, Oregon 08-01-2022 初めて見ました、ホオジロカンムリヅル すごくカラフル 家族もいて、幸せでありますように ワイルドライフ…
Baby bisons are called "Red Dog" because of their red fur. While they won't go far from their mothers, they also play with other Red Dogs. It is so adorable and fun to watch them run around and bounce across the ground. Lamar Valley, Yello…
I felt relived to see all moms and Red Dogs crossed the river bravely. 川を渡り切った何組かのバイソンの親子を見てほっとしたのもつかの間 When I looked closer, I found a Red Dog curled up on a sandbar in front of me. ふと近くをみると、目の前…
While driving Lamar Valley, I noticed a huge herd of bisons are crossing a river, so I pulled my car over. The river current was so strong with mountain snow runoff, even adult bisons struggled. Red Dogs following their moms were almost dr…
I run into a perfect day to witness ice on Yellowstone Lake surface to melt due to higher temperature and strong wind. Melting ice made mysterious little sounds while they melt and fall apart. Yellowstone N.P. 06-03-2022 暑中お見舞い申し上…
写真としてはブレブレなんですが、あまりにもかわいいので 連写です Fluffy young Black-capped Chickadee. Too cute not to post even out-of-focus photos. Oregon, June 2022 もふもふで、見るからにまだ子どものアメリカコガラ かわいすぎる~
Young American Robin and Black-capped Chickadee came to my backyard. It seems like American Robin family is here to spend some time. I heard lots of begging calls by young bird. Oregon 07-19-2022 コマツグミの若鳥とアメリカコガラ どうやら子…
This must be a subadult grizzly bear who just separated from its mother this spring. Its hump is not prominent yet and looks a bit uneasy... Since this bear was across the river, it was a bit difficult to take close-up shots. It lifted its…
I love Uinta Ground Squirrel. This one showed up at my campsite in Grand Teton N.P. It looked still young and was very timid. It let me take some photos then disappeared into its nest. I didn't see them much this time. Probably it was too …