


House Finch Daddy and His Kids

House Finch daddy surrounded by his hungry kids. In my backyard 09-03-2022 お腹を空かせた子供たちに取り囲まれた、メキシコマシコのお父さん 賑やかにさえずる子供たちに挟まれて、慌てず騒がず、クールなパパでした

Lamar Valley

My happy place: Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park 06-04-2022 ラマー・ヴァレーの眺め イエローストーン国立公園

American Robin Taking a Bath

ホースが作った水たまりには、ハシボソキツツキ For sure, sounds of water and moving water attract wild birds. Here are American Robin and Nothern Flickers taking a bath in my backyard. 09-03-2022 少し前に設置した噴水を浮かべたバードバスで、…

Dawn in Yellowstone

Dawn on my way to Lamar Valley. Treasured moment, now so happy I woke up in the dark and started driving. Yellowstone N.P. 06-04-2022 イエローストーンの暁 暗いうちに起きだして運転して来たことが、うれしくなる眺めでした イエローストーン国立…

Demanding Baby and Tired Mom

It looks like second breeding season of House Finch has been progressing in my backyard. Young bird is asking mom for food quite loudly. I could imagine theri conversation like "Baby, you are big enough and food is just in front of you. Wh…