


World of Little Green Moss

Vast world of little green moss quietly breathes under beautiful flower trees. Well-maintained moss indicates loving care of their gardeners. 03-24-2022 ふと足元に目を落として気がついたのが、苔の緑の美しさ 触ってみると思ったより柔らかい 大…

Pretty in Pink

Camellia in girly pink is just like a noble quiet princess. Its beauty softly radiates and brightens around her. 03-24-2022 つばきシリーズの最後は、可愛らしいピンク 静かで控えめな美しさで、周りを明るくする、初々しい乙女のよう

Pure in White

Pure and refreshing, holy white camellias are. 03-24-2022 清楚な美しさを放つ、白いつばき 落花したつばきがつくる花の絨毯を期待していましたが、苔が傷むので落ちた花は取り除くとの説明でした なるほど、と納得しつつも、ちょっとがっかり・・・ ポー…

Classic in Red

When you think of camellia, red one will proably come into your mind. While majority of red camellia in Portland Japanese Garden is double-flowered, now I miss single petal camellia, such as famous tea ceremony flower, "Wabisuke." Portland…

Camellia's Bloom in Full Swing

一本の椿から、違った色の花が咲く不思議 Portland Japanese Garden in late March is filled with camellia flowers. As for a camellia flower, I prefer the beginning of bloom over full bloom, but any stage of blooms is beautiful in different way…

Weeping Cherry Tree

帰り際に、日が差しました I thought it is about time for weeping cherry tree to bloom... I was right. I'm also glad that I took advantage of "member only early hours" to beat the crowd. Less people, better view. 03-24-2022 3月に入って2回目…

Husband and Wife

A pair of Bald Eagle on Sauvie Island. 03-24-2022 仲良く並んだ、白頭鷲のご夫婦 車を停めることができた場所から、よく見えるところまで歩いて、そこから何枚か撮ったのですが、近づいたのがお気に召さなかったようで、この後、大きい方(雌?)が飛び立…

Cherry Blossom Viewing

After cloudy morning, sun and blue sky returned, that means... it is a time to appreciate cherry blossom. Luckily, I have small cherry blossom trees in our small neighborhood park, only five minutes walk. 03-22-2022 青空が見えたので、徒歩3…

Curled-Up Honu

Honu curled up in a loose ball while covering his face by his paw. What are you dreaming, boy? 03-20-2022 お顔を隠して、どんな夢を見ているのやら・・・

Winter Princess

Christmas Roses have been blooming since mid-winter. Two new plants (dark purple and light purple dotted one) I purchased last winter have survived in original pots and bloomed. Breathtaking beauty in these lil jems. 03-20-2022 冬の真っ最…

Rolling Surf

Watching waves lapping onto the shore at Ecola State Park. 03-23-2021 繰り返し繰り返し、打ち寄せる波 ひとつとして同じ波はこない エコラ州立公園で

Time to Lose Sense of Time

While strolling hilly trail in a neighborhood park, I found this woodpecker. Time always goes by fast when I watch wildlife, like this bird. 03-06-2021 ちょっと山がちな傾斜にある公園のトレイルを歩いた時、みつけたキツツキ こういう時は、あっ…

Ginger Girl

My lil sweet easy-to-scare senior girl, Ginger resting between my legs. Her behaviors have been changing day-by-day, year-and-year. Now she rarely sits between my legs, but hope she will start doing it again. 03-19-2021 私の足の間にすっぽ…

Fairy Tale Trail

My favorite trail in March is the path of Trillium. I always feel as if I wandered off into a fairy tale book. 03-28-2020 毎年この時期になると「そろそろかなぁ」と楽しみなのが、延齢草の開花です 特に延齢草が両脇に咲き乱れるこの小道は、ハッと…

Elk on Hwy 101

Elk herd relaxing and grazing along the side of Hwy 101 near Cannon Beach. 03-14-2022 主要道路のすぐ脇で、草を食んだり、座り込んでゆっくり反芻するエルクの群れ オレゴン州キャノンビーチで

Terrible Tilly

Tillamook Rock Lighthouse was officially lit on January 21, 1881. Due to the local erratic weather conditions and the dangerous commute for both keepers and suppliers, the lighthouse earned the nickname "Terrible Tilly." The worst storm on…

Haystack Rock

Cannon Beach's symbol, Haystack Rock. 03-14-2022 キャノンビーチのシンボル、ヘイスタックロック

Northern Flicker

Make Northern Flicker came to my backyard to eat suet. When we still had a wooded area behind our backyard, I often heard their call echoed throught the woods and I loved it, especially in misty morning. They still visit our backyard occas…

Signs of Spring

オレゴン州の州花、Oregon Grape (ヒイラギナンテン) Sure signs of spring in my backyard. Now I'm waiting for trillium and lily of the valley to come out. Oh, I can't forget about camellia as well. 03-11-2022 我が家の小さな裏庭にも春の兆し…

I Stand with Ukraine

I STAND WITH UKRAINE. 03-11-2022 ウクライナはもちろんのこと、世界各地に散らばる報道されない紛争地帯に、平和が戻りますように

Evening Glow from My Room

Evening glow in early February. Sunrise is becoming earlier day by day and I'm still sleeping during morning Blue Hour. So now on, my focus will shift to evening time. 02-09-2022 2月初めの夕焼け空 だんだん日の出が早くなっていて、朝焼けに間…

Peacock in My Backyard

We have a Peacock that returns every spring in this neighborhood and stays here during summer/autumn. I have no idea where it spends winter time. I haven't seen him this year yet. 03-08-2020 ここ何年も、春先になるとどこからか孔雀が戻ってき…

Waiting for Camellia to Bloom

Camellia in a pot at my backyard was blooming this time two years ago. This year, I'm seeing unopened flower buds withouth any hint of red yet. In my backyard 03-06-2020 2年前にはもう咲いていた八重咲の椿 今年はまだ、つぼみすら色づいていま…

Happiness is ...

Happiness is being with my cat. 02-24-2022 猫がそばにいてくれるしあわせ

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane has very distinct calls that I love. I need to make a trip to Sauvie Island before they depart for north. At Sauvie Island 03-08-2021 毎年晩秋になると飛来するカナダヅル あの独特の鳴き声が好きです 北へ旅立つ前に、もう一度見に…

Praying for Ukraine

Sunflower is Ukraine's National flower. I pray people of Ukraine regain peace and return their home land as soon as possible. ウクライナの国家、ヒマワリ 一日も早いウクライナでの停戦と平和を願って

Purple Crocus and Bumblebee

First bumblebee showed up in my front yard last March. I wonder when they will come this year. Crocus is ready for them. 03-01-2021 去年の3月初めにクロッカスにやってきたマルハナバチ 今年もクロッカスは咲いていますが、まだハチは見かけていま…

Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)

Muscari floweres in my little terra cotta pot are blooming. They are also called Grape Hyacinth. Another sign of spring. 03-02-2022 小さな鉢植えのムスカリが、咲いていました いつ見てもかわいい春の使者

Portland Japanese Garden - Winter

まっすぐ撮ったつもりが、ちょっとかしぎました Strolling the garden in a drizzle was not a bad idea at all. I will definitely come back for cherry blossoms in spring and autumn colors of this famous maple tree. Portland Japanese Garden. 02-2…

Hanabira Mochi

Hanabira mochi - special Japanese sweet served only for first tea ceremony of the year- and Matcha green tea. The ceiling of the cafe was designed with wood and Japanese traditional handmade paper with concealed lightings. Traditional yet …