Honu and Ginger curled up side by side on my bed. Nothing special, ordinary every day life brings me a peace of mind and comfort. 05-01-2021 ホヌとジンジャーが一緒に丸まっている 何も特別なことはない いつもの風景 安心するよね
ラズベリーの花 生き残れなかったカーネーション 一年草のプランター シカゴピースのつぼみ クリーピングタイム Looks like everything in my yard has been growing a bit slow this year.Prabably, the reason is weather... Annual plants I purchased in…
Honu and Ginger curled up on my bed. This view brings me joy and happiness every single time. 04-22-2022 ベッドの上で、くるんと丸まったにゃんず いつ見ても可愛らしくて、幸せな気持ちにしてくれる眺め
温泉リゾートの入り口 駐車場の脇 リゾートの敷地内 リゾートから主要道への林道で For the fist time since the worst wildfire in 2020, Oregon, we visited that area to stay in Breitenbush Hot Springs Resort. All familiar forest were gone. We fel…
Every night, I share my pillow with Honu to sleep. Touching his soft fur and feeling his warmess are better than sleeping pills. 04-22-2022 ホヌと私は、毎晩、こんなふうに枕を分け合って眠りにつきます 至福のひととき・・・
Persian buttercup (Ranunculus) is one of my favorite flowers. Sadly, its thin stem teends to give way to weight of flowers with so many petals. When that happens, I cut it and put it into a smaller vase to appreciate its beauty. 04-22-2022…
Trillium's season will be ending soon. See you next spring, lovely fairies in the woods. 04-06-2021 エンレイソウの季節も、そろそろ終わりに近づいてきました また来年ね、森の妖精さん
Every spring, a little Bewick's Wern's rhythmical penetrating love song echos throughout this small woods. His song is so beautiful, Im always enchanted and stop to listen to it. 04-06-2021 近所の小さな自然公園で、雑木林に響き渡るリズミカ…
Cured up together, cats peacefully dozing off in the sun. 04-10-2021 仲良しこよしで、ひなたぼっこ
I found a male House Finch who stays on the feeder for a long time and doesn't fly away even I get closer. Also, something doesn't look right around his eyes. I contacted Portland Audubon and was told to catch it and bring it into their Wi…
It was a quite shock for me to find this sinage on Hyways in 2020. It's been two years since then. 04-03-2020 2020年4月、コロナのパンデミックが始まった当初の電光掲示板 これを初めて見た時は、なんとも言えない気持ちになりました あれからもう2年
Here is Gnger who became a "Neko Ball"... 04-14-2022 ぎゅうっと丸まって眠る、ジンジャー こうなっている姿を、我が家では "Neko Ball"(ネコボール=猫玉?)と呼んでいます
An elegant mourning dove came to my backyard. A pair of them seems to live in this neighborhood. 04-03-2020 どうやらこの近所に住んでいるらしいナゲキバト つがいで仲良く枝にとまっているのを時々見かけます
Although Ginger and Honu are not siblings, they are always good pals, especially when they are taking catnaps... 04-08-2022 カメラが起動する音で目を覚まして、私だと確認し、また眠りに落ちるジンジャー 後ろでホヌはずーっと寝てる
This year, our backyard camellia has started a bit late. I counted over 20 flower buds and they have been blooming one after another. Now first several flowers fell from the tree. 04-08-2022 咲き始めるのが遅かった、今年の我が家のつばき 数…
ハロウィンの時 パソコンのお伴 柔らかな薄茶色の胸元 外猫をチェック中 ホヌと一緒に 虹の橋を渡る数日前、大好きな裏庭で Gracie, our older girl earned her wings on April 13, 2020, just after this pandemic has started. She was 17. I still have a…
Waves lapping onto the shore, again and again... Pacific Ocean... this ocean connects to Japan. Cannon Beach 04-13-2021 この海、絶え間なく打ち寄せる波が、日本へつながっている
無料でいれてくれた土 It's the time of Fucsia Saturday at Fred Meyer! I bought one large resin pot, several annual plants and three cherry tomato plants for over $70. Store staff will fill your pots with Black Gold potting soil, including p…
Honu sunbathing on the stairs. I can see his 'grandpa face' here... love you to the moon and back. 04-09-2022 陽だまりのホヌ こういう時は、なぜかちょっぴりおじいちゃん顔 大好きよ・・・ホヌボーイ
この写真の中に猫がいます I found a neighbor cat sitting on our backyard fence, probably watching birds. This one is a regular visitor at our yard. Very cute. Today, a squirrel was running on the fence toward the cat, noticed it and froze. …
I love apple blossoms. When we purchased our first house (=current house), I wanted to plant an apple tree in my yard. Unfortunately, our backyard doesn't get enough sun and have enough space for an apple tree to spread its branches. So I …
Red flowering currant is native to Pacific Northwest and Canada. Nector of its tiny pink flowers is hummingbird's favorite and important meal for hummers in early spring. I'm wanting to add this beauty to my sun-dappled backyard... questio…
Female House Finch collects nesting materials from huge rip in my bedroom screen. Hubby came to help her, too. This was second spring for them to do "nesting material hunt" at my screen. We repaired the screen last summer so my fun of watc…
去年植えた延齢草 すずらん ラズベリー スナップえんどう ブルーベリー お気に入りの一重咲きのばら Color of fresh green leaves is my favorite. 03-28-2022 春の初め、新緑の頃の葉っぱの色が、一番好きです
I never get tired of watching hummingbird. 03-27-2022 いつ見ても、何度見ても、見飽きないハミングバード
Finally, my potted camellia tree has started to bloom. I see many flower buds. This season will be very flourishing. 03-27-2022 まだかまだかと待っていた鉢植えの椿が、咲きました 今年はつぼみがたくさんついているので、たくさん咲いてくれそうで…
One of my favorites is Bewick's Wern. This bird rarely stays still and moves quickly here and there, that makes so difficult to take good photos of them. I didn't hear any song yet. I'm so looking forward to listening their beautiful sprin…
I love magnolia flowers, especially in light pink. It starts blooming without leaves while it's still cold. When we purchased our first home in new developed residential area, we decided to plant flowering tree in our vacant backyard. I wa…
It is the time of the year when Trilliums bloom. Every spring, I look forward to strolling this path of Trilliums. My fairy tale walk. 03-30-2020 今年の延齢草 ハッとして立ち止まるほどではなかったのは、まだピークではないのか それともここ数…