


Chalk Art Festival Done by Kids

チョーク・アート・フェスティバルでは、子供たちの力作もいっぱい 一緒に行った、友達夫婦の6歳と3歳の娘たちの作品 長女が描いたのは、家族の一員、茶トラのチート Chalk art done by kids and family is filled with good energy and fun. Oregon 07-17-2…

Mount Moran and Grand Teton

マウント・モラン (Mount Moran) グランド・ティトン (Grand Teton) I took many photos of Mt. Moran and Grand Teton. It should be enough by now.... but, each day is different even though these mountains don't move. Wait a minute... actually, t…

Chalk Art Festival

土日の2日間、地元で開催されたチョーク・アート・フェスティバル 以前の職場で同僚だった、もともとアーティストの男性が参加する、というので覗きに行ってきました 友人の作品、バッファロー 3ブロックを歩行者天国にしたダウンタウンの路面をキャンバスに…

Marmot at Roosevelt Lodge

I love rodent family, like these Marmots and they were everywhere at Roosevelt Lodge. They are always funny and somehow remind me of "big buddy." I love to have them as my neighbors. Yellowstone N.P. 06-03-2022 いつ見ても、どこで見ても「お…

My Spirit Animal

Since my first road trip in 2014, Pronghorn has become one of my most important animals. Elegant and quiet, yet run-like-a-wind... Pronghorn is so special and cool. When I find them and no one is around me, I always turn off my car engine …

Two Moose at Gros Ventre River

On my way back to my camp ground, I saw some people pulled over to watch something. I found out they were watching two moose that just crossed Gros Ventre River. Both were male and looks like one is younger. Near Gros Ventre River, Grand T…

July Garden 2022

クチナシのつぼみ ラベンダー 多肉植物セダム 咲き始めのアカネシア 月見草 ベロニカ 初めての富有柿の実 名前を忘れてしまった・・・ビーバームでした! April and May showers bring "July" flowers here in Oregon. July 2022 雨が多かった春が終わり、お…

Elk Herd on A Ridge

While looking for grizzly bear's family in early morning, I run into this beautiful scene: A lareg herd of elk walking up on a ridge to run away from grizzly mama and her three cubs. Although I didn't see bears, I was happy to witness this…

Moose at Willow Flat

This moose was initially spotted by young boy of family traveling from Idaho. It was far away, so I wasn't sure how my photos will come up. They turned out beautiful sequences, just like a delicate painting.I'm so happy about this outcome.…

Fluffy Wildflowers

My husband and I visited our friends' property in North Central Oregon for the first time and camped for a couple of nights with them. Thanks to lots of rain during spring, many wildflowers were still there and were very beautiful. 07-10-2…

Cobalt Blue

How beautiful this deep blue lake... I can't quite put it into words. Crater Lake N.P. 06-26-2022 見ていると吸いこまれてしまいそうな、コバルトブルー 言葉では尽くせない美しさ クレーターレイク国立公園

Three Peaks near Crater Lake

左から、Mt. Bailey(ベイリー山)、Diamond Peak(ダイヤモンド・ピーク)、Mt. Thielsen(セルセン山)・・・のはず Three peaks you can veiw from Crater Lake N.P. These mountains are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Going noth, you will find M…

Summer at Home

This patio unbrella I bought for July 4th sale made such a huge difference. It transformed our old ordinary patio into a nice outdoor living space. Other images are things I adore or use only for short but beautiful summer here. July 2022 …

Japanese Persimmon

My Fuyu Japanese Persimmon now has some fruits. I'm very excited and watering every day. I hope I will able to harvest some this fall, for the first time. 06-30-2022 裏庭に植えてある富有柿に、小さな実がいくつもついているのに気がつきました …

Happy Forth!

Happy Forth of July! 07-04-2022 今日7月4日は、アメリカの独立記念日


Reflections on surface of this deep blue lake. Crater Lake N.P. 06-26-2022 紺碧の湖面は、まるで鏡のよう クレーターレイク国立公園

American Robin's Fledgling

While watering my front yard, I noticed continuous bird call near by. After looking around, I found a fledgling sitting underneath a parked car and calling parents. I looked around again to find its parent(s.) Sure enough, there were two A…

Western Pasqueflower (Anemone occidentalis)

While enjoying breathtaking view of the deep blue lake, I happened to look down. What I found was this beauty quietly sitting and blooming on this rocky ground. Her name is Western Psqueflower, or Anemone occidentalis. Crater Lake N.P. 06-…

Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel at Crater Lake N.P.

こんなに遠くにいたのに あっという間にすぐそこまで バックには紺碧の湖 Taking photos of Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel is a quite challenge. They dart here and ther, so as soon as I find them, they are gone! When two of them start chasing ea…

Crater Lake National Park

この週末、オレゴン南部の街、アッシュランドへ行く機会に恵まれたので 帰りに、そこから車で東へ2時間のところにある、クレーターレイク国立公園に立ち寄りました This view literally took my breath away.... How vivid and beautiful this blue is... My…

Raccoon in My Backyard

ほぼ毎日お邪魔するブログで「アライグマ」という言葉が出て おー、そうだ!・・・と思い出しました ロードトリップから戻った数日後、うちの裏庭にアライグマが来ました まだ子供なのかな・・・ 毛並みもよく、きれいで、健康そうな子でした また遊びにおい…

Sandhill Crane Colts

次の日、また同じ場所へ行ってみると お母さんの背中にヒナがいました・・・! 向かい合って小さな羽根をバタバタさせるヒナたち ヒナが食べるのを手伝う父鳥 お腹がいっぱいになったヒナたちは、また暖かいお母さんの羽根の中へ 一羽がもぐりこむと・・・ 2…

Sandhill Crane in Grand Teton

カナダヅルのお父さん お母さんの背中にちらっと見える薄茶が、ひなです 周囲が安全かチェックする父親 One of wildlife on my first day at Grand Teton National Park, A pair of Sandhill Crane. Watchers told me they have two colts. Only I saw was c…

Mountain Bluebird

I was watching mama Moose at a popular viewing spot. Then I noticed people were pointing their cameras at opposit direction. I couldn't tell what they were watching, so I asked. Answer was: Mountain Bluebird perched on a pole. After two ye…

River Flooding is Part of Nature

すっかり間が空きました 6月12日未明からイエローストーン国立公園北部とその周辺で、大雨による大規模な川の氾濫が発生して、13日には公園の5つある入り口すべてが閉鎖されるという異常な事態になり、行ったばかりの場所が大きな被害を受けていることに動…

Badger Mama and Her Baby

A great encounter comes out of nowhere. I found a small group of men waiting for a badger baby pops up from his den.I joined them, talked stories while waiting for about one hour... Here he and his mom came! It was so wounderful to see thi…

Windmill Farm

ご無沙汰しました 2週間ほど、ロードトリップに出ていて、昨日、家に戻ったところです これからしばらくは、旅で撮った写真をアップします Windmill Farm in Columbia River Gorge, Oregon 06-07-2022 風の強いコロンビア渓谷に並び立つ、おびただしい数の風…

Lil Flowers at Craters of The Moon National Monument

Little flowers bloom and survive in lava field. 05-26-2022 アイダホの溶岩の中で咲く、小さな花たち


My front yard must be perfect fit for thses lupines. These grew from a packet of mixed perennial seeds I planted two years ago. 05-25-2022 2年前に播いた種から、見事に育ったルピナス 苗買うとけっこう高いので、嬉しい

My kids I'm Leaving Behind...

I hope these flowers and vegetables will survive during my road trip. 05-17-2022 この子たちを置いて、2週間近く留守にするのは後ろ髪引かれるけれど そんなこといってたら、どこへも行けん 辛抱して待っててね