



ストロベリー#1 ストロベリー#2 ストロベリー#3 "Hood" ブルーベリー ラズベリー 今年の我が家のベリーラインナップ 3つめのストロベリー、フッド(Hood)は、今年初めて苗をひとつ買ってみました フッドストロベリーは、この辺りで採れる、実が中まで真っ…

Hanging Baskets

This year, I made two hanging baskets, one is filled with petunia and another with fuchsia, which should attract hummingbirds. Since no flowers yet, a hummer came to drink from my feeder. Can you see her? 05-11-2022 今年は、ペチュニアとフ…

Morning Colors Rose

I've been waiting for this day, the day my rose starts blooming. This years first blossum is "Morning Colors Rose." Fragrant single petal rose attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. 05-11-2022 待ちに待ったばらの開花 今年一番最初に花…

Maritime Plants

Towns on Oregon Coast, such as Depoe Bay are on Maritime Climate. They enjoy cooler summers and milder winters, different from ones in Willamette Valley. So do plants on the coast. Depoe Bay 05-03-2022 オレゴンコースト沿岸の気候は、内陸部…

Spring for $1.99

Every spring, Trader Joes sells "spring" for $1.99. Super great deal I can't miss during still-dark-wet-end of winter time. How many times I bought them this spring... I can't remember. March & April 2022 水仙の季節は、もう終わりましたが …

Blooms From Last Spring

ラズベリーの花 生き残れなかったカーネーション 一年草のプランター シカゴピースのつぼみ クリーピングタイム Looks like everything in my yard has been growing a bit slow this year.Prabably, the reason is weather... Annual plants I purchased in…

Persian Buttercup

Persian buttercup (Ranunculus) is one of my favorite flowers. Sadly, its thin stem teends to give way to weight of flowers with so many petals. When that happens, I cut it and put it into a smaller vase to appreciate its beauty. 04-22-2022…

Fairies in The Woods

Trillium's season will be ending soon. See you next spring, lovely fairies in the woods. 04-06-2021 エンレイソウの季節も、そろそろ終わりに近づいてきました また来年ね、森の妖精さん

Bloom One After Another

This year, our backyard camellia has started a bit late. I counted over 20 flower buds and they have been blooming one after another. Now first several flowers fell from the tree. 04-08-2022 咲き始めるのが遅かった、今年の我が家のつばき 数…

フクシャ・サタデー 2022

無料でいれてくれた土 It's the time of Fucsia Saturday at Fred Meyer! I bought one large resin pot, several annual plants and three cherry tomato plants for over $70. Store staff will fill your pots with Black Gold potting soil, including p…

Apple Blossom

I love apple blossoms. When we purchased our first house (=current house), I wanted to plant an apple tree in my yard. Unfortunately, our backyard doesn't get enough sun and have enough space for an apple tree to spread its branches. So I …

Red Flowering Currant

Red flowering currant is native to Pacific Northwest and Canada. Nector of its tiny pink flowers is hummingbird's favorite and important meal for hummers in early spring. I'm wanting to add this beauty to my sun-dappled backyard... questio…

Season of Fresh Green Leaves

去年植えた延齢草 すずらん ラズベリー スナップえんどう ブルーベリー お気に入りの一重咲きのばら Color of fresh green leaves is my favorite. 03-28-2022 春の初め、新緑の頃の葉っぱの色が、一番好きです

Camellia in My Backyard 2022

Finally, my potted camellia tree has started to bloom. I see many flower buds. This season will be very flourishing. 03-27-2022 まだかまだかと待っていた鉢植えの椿が、咲きました 今年はつぼみがたくさんついているので、たくさん咲いてくれそうで…

My Dream Flowering Tree

I love magnolia flowers, especially in light pink. It starts blooming without leaves while it's still cold. When we purchased our first home in new developed residential area, we decided to plant flowering tree in our vacant backyard. I wa…

Spring Fairy Tale Walk

It is the time of the year when Trilliums bloom. Every spring, I look forward to strolling this path of Trilliums. My fairy tale walk. 03-30-2020 今年の延齢草 ハッとして立ち止まるほどではなかったのは、まだピークではないのか それともここ数…

World of Little Green Moss

Vast world of little green moss quietly breathes under beautiful flower trees. Well-maintained moss indicates loving care of their gardeners. 03-24-2022 ふと足元に目を落として気がついたのが、苔の緑の美しさ 触ってみると思ったより柔らかい 大…

Pretty in Pink

Camellia in girly pink is just like a noble quiet princess. Its beauty softly radiates and brightens around her. 03-24-2022 つばきシリーズの最後は、可愛らしいピンク 静かで控えめな美しさで、周りを明るくする、初々しい乙女のよう

Pure in White

Pure and refreshing, holy white camellias are. 03-24-2022 清楚な美しさを放つ、白いつばき 落花したつばきがつくる花の絨毯を期待していましたが、苔が傷むので落ちた花は取り除くとの説明でした なるほど、と納得しつつも、ちょっとがっかり・・・ ポー…

Classic in Red

When you think of camellia, red one will proably come into your mind. While majority of red camellia in Portland Japanese Garden is double-flowered, now I miss single petal camellia, such as famous tea ceremony flower, "Wabisuke." Portland…

Camellia's Bloom in Full Swing

一本の椿から、違った色の花が咲く不思議 Portland Japanese Garden in late March is filled with camellia flowers. As for a camellia flower, I prefer the beginning of bloom over full bloom, but any stage of blooms is beautiful in different way…

Weeping Cherry Tree

帰り際に、日が差しました I thought it is about time for weeping cherry tree to bloom... I was right. I'm also glad that I took advantage of "member only early hours" to beat the crowd. Less people, better view. 03-24-2022 3月に入って2回目…

Cherry Blossom Viewing

After cloudy morning, sun and blue sky returned, that means... it is a time to appreciate cherry blossom. Luckily, I have small cherry blossom trees in our small neighborhood park, only five minutes walk. 03-22-2022 青空が見えたので、徒歩3…

Winter Princess

Christmas Roses have been blooming since mid-winter. Two new plants (dark purple and light purple dotted one) I purchased last winter have survived in original pots and bloomed. Breathtaking beauty in these lil jems. 03-20-2022 冬の真っ最…

Fairy Tale Trail

My favorite trail in March is the path of Trillium. I always feel as if I wandered off into a fairy tale book. 03-28-2020 毎年この時期になると「そろそろかなぁ」と楽しみなのが、延齢草の開花です 特に延齢草が両脇に咲き乱れるこの小道は、ハッと…

Signs of Spring

オレゴン州の州花、Oregon Grape (ヒイラギナンテン) Sure signs of spring in my backyard. Now I'm waiting for trillium and lily of the valley to come out. Oh, I can't forget about camellia as well. 03-11-2022 我が家の小さな裏庭にも春の兆し…

I Stand with Ukraine

I STAND WITH UKRAINE. 03-11-2022 ウクライナはもちろんのこと、世界各地に散らばる報道されない紛争地帯に、平和が戻りますように

Waiting for Camellia to Bloom

Camellia in a pot at my backyard was blooming this time two years ago. This year, I'm seeing unopened flower buds withouth any hint of red yet. In my backyard 03-06-2020 2年前にはもう咲いていた八重咲の椿 今年はまだ、つぼみすら色づいていま…

Purple Crocus and Bumblebee

First bumblebee showed up in my front yard last March. I wonder when they will come this year. Crocus is ready for them. 03-01-2021 去年の3月初めにクロッカスにやってきたマルハナバチ 今年もクロッカスは咲いていますが、まだハチは見かけていま…

Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)

Muscari floweres in my little terra cotta pot are blooming. They are also called Grape Hyacinth. Another sign of spring. 03-02-2022 小さな鉢植えのムスカリが、咲いていました いつ見てもかわいい春の使者