


Western Meadowlark #2

昨日のニシマキバドリ、続きです 別の道路標識に飛び移ったので、前面の鮮やかなイエローと黒地の V がはっきり見えました ニシマキバドリは、オレゴン州とワイオミング州の州鳥です ワイオミング州ケリーにて 05-28-2022

Western Meadowlark

出会うチャンスを何年も待っていた、ニシマキバドリ (Western Meadowlark) 昨年、遂にその時がやってきました グランド・ティトン国立公園に近い、ワイオミング州ケリーにて 05-28-2022

Varied Thrush

毎年冬になるとこの辺りにやってくる、ムナオビツグミ 去年のクリスマスイブに、裏庭で姿を見かけました 羽繕いとストレッチに忙しい 驚かさないように、窓ガラス越しに撮影 この冬、お初です

Anna's Hummingbird

去年の12月、アイスストームが来た時のハミングバード 気温が零下になるとネクターが凍ってしまうので 2時間おきくらいに室温のものと交換しました 夜間は、体温が下がって仮死状態(軽い冬眠?)になることでサバイバルするそうです

Bewick's Wren in 2022

長いこと、ご無沙汰しました クリスマス直前のフリージングレインの時は、カチカチに凍った水盤 その後、急に気温が上がって溶けたところに シロハラミソサザイが水浴びに来ました 裏庭で 12-28-2022

House Finch Daddy and His Kids

House Finch daddy surrounded by his hungry kids. In my backyard 09-03-2022 お腹を空かせた子供たちに取り囲まれた、メキシコマシコのお父さん 賑やかにさえずる子供たちに挟まれて、慌てず騒がず、クールなパパでした

American Robin Taking a Bath

ホースが作った水たまりには、ハシボソキツツキ For sure, sounds of water and moving water attract wild birds. Here are American Robin and Nothern Flickers taking a bath in my backyard. 09-03-2022 少し前に設置した噴水を浮かべたバードバスで、…

Demanding Baby and Tired Mom

It looks like second breeding season of House Finch has been progressing in my backyard. Young bird is asking mom for food quite loudly. I could imagine theri conversation like "Baby, you are big enough and food is just in front of you. Wh…

A Pair of Woodpeckers

雄(左)と雌(右) Once in a while, woodpeckers visit my backyard. This time, I found both male and felame. I wonder if they are husband and wife or dad and daughter... August 2022 裏庭に時々やってくるキツツキ この日は、雌と雄の両方 カップ…

Black-capped Chickadee at Birdbath

Finally, I got shots of bird come to drink from birdbath. I've been trying but everytime I didn't have a camera with me and by the time I got it, birds were gone. Timing is everything. At my backyard 08-09-2022 やっと撮れました 用意してい…

White-naped Crane

This beautiful large bird appeared all of sudden from the ditch. I found out this bird is White-naped Crane. Its body displays beautiful gradation from gray to white. Wildlife Safari, Oregon 08-01-2022 くぼみからヒョイと現れた大きな美しい…

East African Crowned Crane

For the first time, I saw East African Crowned Crane (or Gray Crowned Crane.) Such a beautiful bird. At Wildlife Safari, Oregon 08-01-2022 初めて見ました、ホオジロカンムリヅル すごくカラフル 家族もいて、幸せでありますように ワイルドライフ…

Adorable Young Black-capped Chickadee

写真としてはブレブレなんですが、あまりにもかわいいので 連写です Fluffy young Black-capped Chickadee. Too cute not to post even out-of-focus photos. Oregon, June 2022 もふもふで、見るからにまだ子どものアメリカコガラ かわいすぎる~

Feathery Visitors to My Backyard

Young American Robin and Black-capped Chickadee came to my backyard. It seems like American Robin family is here to spend some time. I heard lots of begging calls by young bird. Oregon 07-19-2022 コマツグミの若鳥とアメリカコガラ どうやら子…

American Robin's Fledgling

While watering my front yard, I noticed continuous bird call near by. After looking around, I found a fledgling sitting underneath a parked car and calling parents. I looked around again to find its parent(s.) Sure enough, there were two A…

Sandhill Crane Colts

次の日、また同じ場所へ行ってみると お母さんの背中にヒナがいました・・・! 向かい合って小さな羽根をバタバタさせるヒナたち ヒナが食べるのを手伝う父鳥 お腹がいっぱいになったヒナたちは、また暖かいお母さんの羽根の中へ 一羽がもぐりこむと・・・ 2…

Sandhill Crane in Grand Teton

カナダヅルのお父さん お母さんの背中にちらっと見える薄茶が、ひなです 周囲が安全かチェックする父親 One of wildlife on my first day at Grand Teton National Park, A pair of Sandhill Crane. Watchers told me they have two colts. Only I saw was c…

Mountain Bluebird

I was watching mama Moose at a popular viewing spot. Then I noticed people were pointing their cameras at opposit direction. I couldn't tell what they were watching, so I asked. Answer was: Mountain Bluebird perched on a pole. After two ye…

Lesser Goldfinch

Lesser Goldifnch came to my plants on our sidewalk garden and pecking it. One step closer to my dream of offering edible garden for both wildlife and human. 05-17-2022 家の前の歩道に、何か動くモノが・・・ よく見ると、黄色っぽい小鳥がうちの…

Hanging Baskets

This year, I made two hanging baskets, one is filled with petunia and another with fuchsia, which should attract hummingbirds. Since no flowers yet, a hummer came to drink from my feeder. Can you see her? 05-11-2022 今年は、ペチュニアとフ…

House Finch

I found a male house finch perched on the fence that is two houses away from us. He looked healthy and flew away right after these photos were taken. 05-04-2022 2軒先の裏庭の塀にとまっていたメキシコマシコの雄 この子は、健康そうです 具合の…

World's Smallest Harbor

A bridge over the world's smallest harbor at Depoe Bay. A song sparrow sings out loud against a backdrop of the bridge. Depoe Bay 05-03-2022 世界で一番小さな港にかかる橋 橋をバックにさえずるウタスズメ デポベイで

Song Sparrow on The Coast

Hoping to spot mother whale with her calf who travel north at the end of their migration season, we headed down to Depoe Bay. Unfortunately, no luck for whales but rythmical songs of this Song Sparrow let turn my head around. Depoe Bay, Or…

Dart In, Dart Out

Everything hummingbird does is swift. She darts into my field of vision, has some nector from the feeder while hovering. Then she perches on a dead plant and starts grooming herself. When it's done, she took some more nector, then darts ou…

Bewick's Wern in 2021

Every spring, a little Bewick's Wern's rhythmical penetrating love song echos throughout this small woods. His song is so beautiful, Im always enchanted and stop to listen to it. 04-06-2021 近所の小さな自然公園で、雑木林に響き渡るリズミカ…

House Finch with Mycoplasma Conjunctivitis

I found a male House Finch who stays on the feeder for a long time and doesn't fly away even I get closer. Also, something doesn't look right around his eyes. I contacted Portland Audubon and was told to catch it and bring it into their Wi…

Mourning Dove

An elegant mourning dove came to my backyard. A pair of them seems to live in this neighborhood. 04-03-2020 どうやらこの近所に住んでいるらしいナゲキバト つがいで仲良く枝にとまっているのを時々見かけます

Collecting Nesting Materials

Female House Finch collects nesting materials from huge rip in my bedroom screen. Hubby came to help her, too. This was second spring for them to do "nesting material hunt" at my screen. We repaired the screen last summer so my fun of watc…

Hovering Jewel

I never get tired of watching hummingbird. 03-27-2022 いつ見ても、何度見ても、見飽きないハミングバード

Spring Jewel - Bewick's Wren

One of my favorites is Bewick's Wern. This bird rarely stays still and moves quickly here and there, that makes so difficult to take good photos of them. I didn't hear any song yet. I'm so looking forward to listening their beautiful sprin…