


Husband and Wife

A pair of Bald Eagle on Sauvie Island. 03-24-2022 仲良く並んだ、白頭鷲のご夫婦 車を停めることができた場所から、よく見えるところまで歩いて、そこから何枚か撮ったのですが、近づいたのがお気に召さなかったようで、この後、大きい方(雌?)が飛び立…

Time to Lose Sense of Time

While strolling hilly trail in a neighborhood park, I found this woodpecker. Time always goes by fast when I watch wildlife, like this bird. 03-06-2021 ちょっと山がちな傾斜にある公園のトレイルを歩いた時、みつけたキツツキ こういう時は、あっ…

Northern Flicker

Make Northern Flicker came to my backyard to eat suet. When we still had a wooded area behind our backyard, I often heard their call echoed throught the woods and I loved it, especially in misty morning. They still visit our backyard occas…

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane has very distinct calls that I love. I need to make a trip to Sauvie Island before they depart for north. At Sauvie Island 03-08-2021 毎年晩秋になると飛来するカナダヅル あの独特の鳴き声が好きです 北へ旅立つ前に、もう一度見に…

Steller's Sea Eagle

After watching Tancho Cranes, I walked to a coffee shop across Tancho Crane Sanctuary to take a break. In theri warm sitting area, I found a fieldscope on a stand. Shop's owner told me "you can watch National Treasure bird, Steller's Sea E…

Sharing A Winter Home

Tancho Cranes share their winter home with Swans. While swans are relatively large birds, they look small compare to tall Tancho Cranes. In Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. 02-12-2020 タンチョウヅルの越冬地には、白鳥もやって来るようです 争いもせ…

My Dream Came True

タンチョウの幼鳥 Several years ago, I found YouTube videos that are showing beautiful Tancho Cranes in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. Immediately, I fell in love with their elegant courtship dances and their distinct beautiful loud calls that e…

Kamo River, Kyoto

Kamo River runs through world-famous ancient city, Kyoto. It is also the habitat for a number of native wildlife and a place of rest and relaxation for humans. Time for sure goes by slower here, compare to "merry-go-round" Tokyo. Kyoto is …

Japanese Wagtail

I found a Japanese Wagtail in a little creek on the grounds of Shimogamo Shrine. Kyoto, Japan 02-02-2020 境内に流れる小川で見かけた、セグロセキレイ 日本特産種だそうです 京都 下鴨神社にて

Red-breasted Sapsucker

今日もどれも捨てがたく、枚数多いです 真剣だけど、ちょっと笑っちゃう表情・・・(笑) While doing yard work on sunny afternoon, I heard pecking sound coming from Bigleaf Maple tree. Looking up, I found a beautiful Red-breasted Sapsucker. It …

Huge Flock of Canada Goose

After the field was paved and a building was built, Canada Geese lost their feeding ground. Without complaining, they moved to ponds in the park next to used-to-be grass field. Wildlife takes whatever they can use with ease and grace. 01-1…

Pied-billed Phebe

かわいいショットがありすぎて、今日も絞り切れず・・・(笑) 水中にダイブした後 おまけショット もふもふのおしり One of my favorites, Pied-billed Phebe is a lil fluffy bird. He is always alone with other waterfowl. When he dives, he goes pret…

Townsend's Warbler

ピントずれてますが、ドヤ顔(笑) My favorite winter visitor, Townsend's Warbler came to eat in my backyard. Love its bright yellow color and fluffy rear end. 01-17-2020 冬になると庭にやってくる、タウンゼンド・アメリカムシクイ 鮮やかな黄色…

Chitchat between Husband and Wife

On snowy morning, House Finch's husband and wife having small-talk while perching on neighbor's fig tree. They always come to my feeder together. 12/28/21 雪の朝、メキシコマシコのご夫婦 いちじくの枝にとまって、なにやらおしゃべりしていました…

Fluffy and Adorable

今日もあまりのかわいさに絞りきれず、枚数多いです この子には 頭の後ろに、赤い部分がありません かゆかったようです かいた片足が宙に浮いたまま Fluffy and super adorable. Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) in my backyard. Photos taken through windo…

Happy New Year! - Northern Flicker-intergrade-

新年明けましておめでとうございます 今年もどうぞよろしくお願い致します あまりにもかわいいので、どうしても絞り切れず 今日は掲載する枚数が多くなりました Northern Flicker paid a visit to my backyard, perched on a branch of bigleaf maple. Looks…

California Quail

California quail, near Crouch, Idaho. 10/25/18 カンムリウズラの群れ アイダホ州クラウチで

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey in Eden, Utah. 10/16/19 今日は感謝祭 感謝祭と言えば、七面鳥 ユタ州イーデンで出会った、ワイルドターキー

Sauvie Island in November

Fall sunny day at Sauvie Island, snowcapped Mt. St. Helens in background. 11/29/20 晩秋の晴れ間、バードウォッチングに出かけたソービーアイランドで 水辺には、カナダガンやカナダヅルなどおびただしい数の水鳥が集まり 秋の冷たい空気に、鳴き声が響…

Late Autumn Morning Glow

Late Autumn Morning glow and a glimpse of flight of Canada goose from my bedroom window. 11/17/21 晩秋の朝焼けと家の上空を渡ってゆくカナダガンの群れ どちらも部屋の窓越しに撮影

Great Gray Owl

Finally, my first Great Gray Owl. Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem's largest (but not heaviest) owl. Grand Teton National Park 10/04/19 ワイオミングに通い始めて5年目、やっと出会えたグレイト・グレイ・アウル 和名は、カラフト・フクロウ ずっとワ…

Red-tailed Hawk with snake(爬虫類苦手な方:閲覧注意)

Red-tailed Hawk cought a snake and already bit off its head. Dubois, Wyoming 10/08/19 小型の蛇を捕らえたアカオノスリ 蛇の頭はすでになく 私たちに気づくと、獲物と共に飛び去りました ワイオミング州デュボアにて

Talking with Raven

A woman and a Raven having conversation in freezing early morning at Hayden Valley Yellowstone National Park 09/29/17 この女性、ワタリガラスとおしゃべりしているようでした イエローストーン国立公園

Three Red-tailed Hawks

最初の一羽 二羽め 三羽め In the early morning, I found three diffrernt Red-tailed Hawks in three different location within one hour. Must have been their breakfast time. Grand Teton National Park 09/08/17 恒例だった早朝のパトロールで見つけ…

My First Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle at Grand Teton National Park 09/08/17 イヌワシ(だと思う)に、初めて出会いました グランド・ティトン国立公園で

Swan in early morning

Trumpeter (or Tundra) Swan at Yellowstone Nationao Park 09/12/17 ナキハクチョウ(コハクチョウ?)、イエローストーン国立公園で

Black-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee in my backyard 08/28/17 いつ見ても愛くるしいアメリカ・コガラ 裏庭で

River Fog and Pelican

River fog over Snake River where American White Pelican floats Grand Teton National Park 09/02/17 Snake Riverから立ちのぼる川霧 静かな川の流れに浮かぶ、アメリカ・シロペリカン グランド・ティトン国立公園で

House Finch Mom

House Finch mom with her young, Oregon 08/25/21 幼鳥を連れたメキシコマシコ 今年、2度目の子育てかな 裏庭で

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher at Fernhill Wetland, Oregon アメリカ・ヤマセミ いつも、独特の鳴き声をたよりに、姿を探します オレゴン州で