


Badger Cub

おととい投稿したヘアリー・クレマチスの写真を撮ったすぐ後 アナグマのお母さんと子どもが、巣穴から出てきました 実物のアナグマを見るのは、これが初めて しかも子どもも一緒 ほんとにラッキーでした 今回の写真は、子ども(後ろにお母さん) お母さんと…

Hairy Clematis (Sugarbowl) and Uinta Ground Squirrel

アナグマ(Badger)の母子が、巣穴から出てくるのを待っていた時 近くにいたのが、私の大好きなユインタ・ジリス(Unita Ground Squirrel) アナグマの獲物でもあります ジリスの写真を撮っていたら、うっかり踏みそうになった、ヘアリー・クレマチス(Hairy…

Coyote Pups and Their Mother in Lamar Valley

わかりにくいと思いますが、写真右上に、子どもたちが3匹います 巣穴の入り口で子どもたちを見守るお母さん コヨーテの巣穴があると聞いたので、教えてもらった場所に行ってみると すでに見物の人がかなりいたので、場所はすぐわかりました でも、斜面の色に…

Coyote in Yellowstone National Park

運転中の車の中から見つけた、コヨーテ(Coyote) 道路にできた「コヨーテ渋滞」もどこ吹く風 大あくびしながら草地を横切った後、渋滞する道路を渡って、小高い丘の向こうへ消えてゆきました イエローストーン国立公園で 06-03-2022


私の大好きな、シマリス(Chipmunk) すばしっこくて、もう大変(笑) 私の目の前を、右から左へぴゅーっと横切って、あっという間に茂みの中へ消えてゆきました このしっぽが、たまらなくかわいい グランド・ティトン国立公園、ジェニーレイクで 06-02-2022

Sunflower Thief

I found a sunflower thief! No wonder my neighbor was complaining squirrells eating her sunflowers. They must be the ones who took my sunflower, too. Well... it must be yummy... right? 08-21-2022 花盗人の現行犯! お隣の花壇に咲いているひま…

Pronghorn Mama and Her Calf

A pronghorn I uploaded photos yesterday, I met her the day before. She was walking slowly on the side of the hill at Lamar Valley. I decided to watch her since I love pronghorn. Then, all of suddend, I noticed she was nursing her calf! Wow…

Beauty in The Valley

A femal pronghorn was walking alone at Lamar Valley. Her elegant yet strong presence made me stop my car and grabe my camera. I'm glad I did. At Lamar Valley, Yellowstone N.P. 06-05-2022 鮮やかな新緑におおわれた、6月初めのラマーヴァレーを…

All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

A fig tree our neighbor planted produces lots of fruits. All-you-can-eat buffet for our resident squirrels. August 2022 たくさんの実をつけた、お隣のイチジクリスが毎日食べ放題

Squirrel Eating in My Backyard

カサッと音がした方向を見ると・・・リス 一心に何かを食べています いつも食べ物を探しているリス いつ見てもなんだかおかしくて、笑っちゃいます

Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel at Lake of the Woods

この男性、ジリスがこんなに近くに来ているのに、気づいていませんでした These cute Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels were everywhere at Lake of the Woods. They don't hesitate to come close to thumans to beg some food. Some of them must be so go…

Red Dogs and Mothers

Baby bisons are called "Red Dog" because of their red fur. While they won't go far from their mothers, they also play with other Red Dogs. It is so adorable and fun to watch them run around and bounce across the ground. Lamar Valley, Yello…

Red Dog on a Sandbar

I felt relived to see all moms and Red Dogs crossed the river bravely. 川を渡り切った何組かのバイソンの親子を見てほっとしたのもつかの間 When I looked closer, I found a Red Dog curled up on a sandbar in front of me. ふと近くをみると、目の前…

Bison Crossing a River, Lamar Valley

While driving Lamar Valley, I noticed a huge herd of bisons are crossing a river, so I pulled my car over. The river current was so strong with mountain snow runoff, even adult bisons struggled. Red Dogs following their moms were almost dr…

Grizzly Bear Subadult

This must be a subadult grizzly bear who just separated from its mother this spring. Its hump is not prominent yet and looks a bit uneasy... Since this bear was across the river, it was a bit difficult to take close-up shots. It lifted its…

Uinta Ground Squirrel at My Campsite

I love Uinta Ground Squirrel. This one showed up at my campsite in Grand Teton N.P. It looked still young and was very timid. It let me take some photos then disappeared into its nest. I didn't see them much this time. Probably it was too …

Marmot at Roosevelt Lodge

I love rodent family, like these Marmots and they were everywhere at Roosevelt Lodge. They are always funny and somehow remind me of "big buddy." I love to have them as my neighbors. Yellowstone N.P. 06-03-2022 いつ見ても、どこで見ても「お…

My Spirit Animal

Since my first road trip in 2014, Pronghorn has become one of my most important animals. Elegant and quiet, yet run-like-a-wind... Pronghorn is so special and cool. When I find them and no one is around me, I always turn off my car engine …

Two Moose at Gros Ventre River

On my way back to my camp ground, I saw some people pulled over to watch something. I found out they were watching two moose that just crossed Gros Ventre River. Both were male and looks like one is younger. Near Gros Ventre River, Grand T…

Elk Herd on A Ridge

While looking for grizzly bear's family in early morning, I run into this beautiful scene: A lareg herd of elk walking up on a ridge to run away from grizzly mama and her three cubs. Although I didn't see bears, I was happy to witness this…

Moose at Willow Flat

This moose was initially spotted by young boy of family traveling from Idaho. It was far away, so I wasn't sure how my photos will come up. They turned out beautiful sequences, just like a delicate painting.I'm so happy about this outcome.…

Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel at Crater Lake N.P.

こんなに遠くにいたのに あっという間にすぐそこまで バックには紺碧の湖 Taking photos of Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel is a quite challenge. They dart here and ther, so as soon as I find them, they are gone! When two of them start chasing ea…

Raccoon in My Backyard

ほぼ毎日お邪魔するブログで「アライグマ」という言葉が出て おー、そうだ!・・・と思い出しました ロードトリップから戻った数日後、うちの裏庭にアライグマが来ました まだ子供なのかな・・・ 毛並みもよく、きれいで、健康そうな子でした また遊びにおい…

Badger Mama and Her Baby

A great encounter comes out of nowhere. I found a small group of men waiting for a badger baby pops up from his den.I joined them, talked stories while waiting for about one hour... Here he and his mom came! It was so wounderful to see thi…

A Bird Hunter

この写真の中に猫がいます I found a neighbor cat sitting on our backyard fence, probably watching birds. This one is a regular visitor at our yard. Very cute. Today, a squirrel was running on the fence toward the cat, noticed it and froze. …

Elk on Hwy 101

Elk herd relaxing and grazing along the side of Hwy 101 near Cannon Beach. 03-14-2022 主要道路のすぐ脇で、草を食んだり、座り込んでゆっくり反芻するエルクの群れ オレゴン州キャノンビーチで

Gray Squirrel

Our everyday-Gray Squirrel, but it is hard to tell if this one is Western (native) or Eastern (introduced) 01-15-2022 気配を察知して、ササっと木に登ったリス なんの実をくわえてるんだろ この子は、わずかだけど毛に茶色が混じっているようなので…

Mule Deer

While strolling the neighborhood, I spotted this mule deer resting in dry meadow.Eden, Utah 10/17/19 散歩の途中で見つけたミュールジカ ユタ州イーデンで


I found a lil squirrel on truck's tire. Eden, Utah 10/22/18 駐車場に停めてあるトラックのタイヤの上にいた、かわいいリス 一枚撮ったらすぐに逃げてしまいました ユタ州イーデン

Squirrels in My Backyard

リス2匹、見えますか? Squirrels visit my backyard and enjoy their meal on a big leaf maple tree branch. 11/30/20 裏庭のヒロハカエデの枝に腰かけて、お食事中のリス 食べているのは、私が庭に投げておいたリンゴの芯・・・かな